An audiovisual concept album, exploring notions of the mysterious force of time.
About the show in general: Time is and has always been fascinating, because it always surrounds us, yet it is so intangible and abstract. „Flow - Visions of Time“ tries to get closer to this very mysterious force, observing and exploring its symbols, ideas and notions to process them in an entertaining and thought provoking way. A combination of time-lapse footage, associative visualizations and artistic interpretations of time in a lot of shapes and sizes are woven together with the music in an attempt to explore the essence of time. The result is a non-narrative fulldome arts and music film in the shape of an immersive audiovisual concept-album. Based on the album „FLOW“, which fuses electronic music with the sound of cinematic soundtracks, the project offers a fascinating expedition into possible as well as impossible worlds, into our universe and far off dimensions. An invitation to wonder, to discover and to dive into thoughts about the all powerful, invisible power of time. After “tempus. ruhr”, “Chaos and Order” and “Dimensions” this is the 4th fulldome feature collaboration of the two artists. About the Music: Moments can feel endless, others are just gone too soon. The music of “FLOW” explores these opposites, it taps into various emotions and approaches the never ending river of time from different angles. Whenever there’s rhythm, or a beat we feel the presence of time the most, while in other moments the music manages to free itself from rhythmic shackles and just floats on a bed of strings while a melody flies seemingly free through space. Still, noticeable or not, the measure of time never really lets go of the song, just as it never lets go of us. At times epic industrial beats and pulsing synths point to the pressure of a world turning faster and faster while just seconds later a playful violin orbits above our heads and just doesn’t seem to care. A tightly arranged pop song turns into the vastness of an 80s sci-fi soundtrack, deep basses turn into shimmering piano sounds, and heartwarming strings turn into human voices to explore the essence and look for meaning in the constant flow of time.