Eric Raynaud (demo)

Eric Raynaud aka fraction is a new media and sound artist working at the intersection of spatial audio, generative visuals and immersive experience design/ (Full bio:

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XP, Spatial Audio Environnement for Ableton Live

XP is an spatial audio solution designed to expand with simplicity Ableton Live potential toward the field of spatial sound creation and performance. The goal of XP is to provide Ableton users with a flexible and simplified environment to create 3d audio projects. Based on the Spat~ of Ircam, the first version of XP was released in September 2021, and very soon a new version will be released with many new features like head tracking and 6dof. In addition to these new features, by combining Ableton, the most intuitive Daw, a dynamic 3D visual environment, and Spat~ algorithm, unique in the world in its ability to simulate acoustic spaces, XP offers creators a powerful 3d design interface. The presentation can take the form of a talk with a demonstration on a small scale spatial audio system (from 4 loudspeakers), as well as being conducted in a dome with full spatial audio capacity. It could also take the form of a workshop, which will then require further discussion with Imersa on the possible ways to organize it. (20 minutes)

Date: October 15, 2022
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Satosphere

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